Q: What should I do if I have special requirements?
A: Full details of arrangements that are available for candidates with special needs can be found here.
Q: Can I reschedule my test?
A: If you want to transfer to a different test date, please send us an email stating your name, IELTS reference number, and your new preferred test date by email. We will tell you if rescheduling is a possibility in regard to the IELTS regulations.
Q: I want to cancel my IELTS test.
A: We are only able to cancel registrations more than 5 weeks before the test date with an administrative fee of €40. If you want to cancel, please send us your IELTS reference number and bank details, and we will provide you with a refund, minus the administrative fee.
Q: I have paid to take the test, but now do not need the test – will I get a refund?
A: No. Transfers to other test dates or refunds are only possible with medical evidence.
Q: I cannot log in to my IELTS Test Taker account.
A: You will have to create your own account on the IELTS Test Taker Portal and create a password for this. Afterwards, you are able to register for IELTS test dates. If you have lost your password, please create a new account.
Q: Can I register for multiple IELTS tests?
A: Yes. You need to pay the entry fee for every test separately.
Q: I haven’t received a confirmation email after registering for the IELTS test. Is this normal?
A: After your payment, you will receive an email confirming both your payment and test date. If you do not receive the email within 24 hours, please contact us: bltc@bltc.nl Attention IELTS payment, or telephone the BLTC general number.
Q: I cannot upload my ID document during my registration
A: For an IELTS on paper test, please try to upload your ID document in a .jpeg format, and make the file smaller than 300×300 pixels. If this does not work, please send us a scan of your ID by email at bltc@bltc.nl. For an IELTS on computer test, please send us a scan of your ID by email at bltc@bltc.nl.
Q: What are the advantages of IELTS on computer?
A: IELTS on computer provides you with more test date options and faster results. Results are online in 3-5 calendar days. ( The results for a Paper-based test are available online 13 days after the test date and a hardcopy – Test Report Form – is posted to the address you registered with. )
Q: Is there a difference between IELTS on paper and IELTS on computer?
A: Both versions test Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking, and are the same in terms of content, scoring, level of difficulty, and security. ( Please note: the computer test does not provide the 10 minute answer transfer time which is part of the paper-based test format.) The Speaking tests for both IELTS on paper and IELTS on computer are carried out face-to-face with a trained IELTS Examiner.
Q: Should I take IELTS on paper or computer?
A: This is a personal preference. You may be used to taking exams on paper, whereas other people might feel more comfortable writing on a computer or have more experience taking tests on a computer. Both formats are the same in terms of content, scoring, level of difficulty, and security.
Q: Can I take the IELTS test on computer at home?
A: Yes, please see the ‘IELTS online’ link for all the conditions.
Q: What kind of keyboards are used for IELTS on computer?
A: All our keyboards are QWERTY keyboards.
Q: When do I get my results?
A: For IELTS on computer, results are available online between 3-5 calendar days after the test has been completed. For IELTS on paper, results are available online 13 calendar days after the test has been completed. For the Computer test, the certificate is sent to you electronically. For Paper-based tests, the certificates are sent through the postal service to the address you registered with.
Q: How do I apply for more certificates to be sent to my University/School?
A: Go to your test-taker portal, click on your test date then go to ‘Adding Organizations’ – complete the University/School details.
Q: Are one skill retakes possible? ( One Skill Retake )
A: Yes, if you took a computer-based exam and are unhappy with the result of one part of your test, a partial retake is possible. Go to your Portal and register for a One Skill Retake.
Q: Can I view feedback about my IELTS results?
A: Due to IELTS regulations, it is not possible to have feedback on your IELTS test. Please refer to the terms and conditions you agree to when you register for the IELTS test.
Q: What practice materials are available?
A: Please view the practice material available here, which gives you an introduction to IELTS on computer and how it works. The BLTC also offers IELTS Preparation Courses
Q: Is a driving licence acceptable as a valid ID document?
A: No. IELTS does not accept a driving licence as a valid international ID document. And, make sure you bring the original ID you used to register for the test – photocopies are not acceptable.
Q: What time should I arrive at the test venue?
A: You need to be present at the test venue 30minutes before the start of the paper or computer-based exam. If you are taking the exam in the morning you need to be present at 8.30, and in the afternoon you should be present at 12.30.
You should arrive 20minutes before the start of your speaking test. You can find you speaking test time in your Test Taker Portal.