From 25 May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) will apply. The AVG, among other things, strengthens and extends privacy rights and places more responsibilities with organizations.
British Language training Centre
Oxford House
Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 328/E
1012 RW Amsterdam
020 6223634
Our website aims to inform the visitor about our language courses and examiniations. A secondary goal is to enable the user to easily contact our organization. We do not collect data without explicitly asking the visitor for permission.
Retention period: Unless explicitly stated otherwise, personal information, if send via the website, will be kept for a maximum of 1 year, after which it will be deleted / destroyed.
You have the right to view, rectify or delete your personal data.
You have the right to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority.
Privacy policy
British Language Training Centre respects the privacy of the visitors to its website and ensures that the data sent is treated confidentially. We will not provide your personal details to third parties unless this is necessary on the basis of a statutory regulation.
As stipulated in the AVG you can object to the use of your personal data. As soon as you have notified your objection by e-mail, we will remove your personal data from our system.
BLTC will only use the personal information submitted on this site to respond to the query and send future correspondence and promotions. You can unsubscribe from these promotions at any time from within the email you receive. Your information will not be shared with any third parties unconnected with BLTC.
Secure connection
Our website uses an SSL certificate which ensures a secure / encrypted transfer of transmitted data.
Cookie policy
What is a cookie?
Cookies are small text files that a website sends to the user and which are stored on your hard drive via the browser. The information is stored and sent back to the website. Using cookies, the website can recognize the user again and keep track of what you have done on the website in the past.
Our website does not use cookies other than for Google Analytics. With these cookies we are able to see how many people visit our website and whether it concerns new visitors or people who have visited our site before.
In accordance with the AVG, we have:
– a processor agreement with Google closed;
– masked the last octet of your IP address;
– ‘share data’ turned off.
Objection to the use of cookies?
Furthermore, we do not use other Google services in combination with the Google Analytics cookies.If you prefer not to use cookies, you can switch it off at any time via your browser.
If you have questions or want more information, please contact us.